Thursday, January 14, 2016

A Family Favorite

Continuing the conversation of delightfully absurd stories that we began yesterday, I'd like to highlight one of our family's favorite picture books: Stop That Pickle (author: Peter Armour; Illustrator: Andrew Shachat; published by HMH Books for Young Readers 1993).

My sister gifted me this book years ago, before I even had kids, because the notion of an ornery, runaway pickle was too ridiculous not to share. :) Basically, when Ms. Elmira Deeds visits the deli and orders a pickle -- the last pickle in the jar -- it does NOT want to be eaten. It runs out of the deli and is chased by a cast of other edible characters who all aim to -- you guessed it -- stop that pickle!

When my nephew Brad was a little boy, he'd beeline for the bookshelf in our guest room when he'd come over and would always select Stop That Pickle to read while he stayed. Warmed my heart. Over the years, Abby and William (and some day Vivian) have loved my husband's rendition of this story with a variety of ridiculous voices, and they join in the repeat of "Stop that pickle!" on each page. This can get very loud. :)

I wonder if the author knew he was writing an interactive book? :) Add this to the list of books that instill a delight in the experience of reading in young kids. (We adults sure love reading this with them, too.)

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